Vehicle ownership check in New Zealand

Verifying the registered person

Important: registered person (“registered owner”) is the person or legal entity entitled to possession of the vehicle. While it’s commonly used as an indicator of ownership in NZ, having this status doesn’t legally prove legal ownership according to the terminology of the NZ Transport Agency. The legal owner may be different from the registered one (e.g. if the vehicle is leased). A vehicle sales agreement and purchase receipt are generally considered to be evidence of legal ownership.

Always check vehicle history and money owing before you buy.

To verify the registered person, you will be redirected to the NZ Transport Agency.

Proceed to the NZ Transport Agency

The above service is free. You only need to enter either the first and last name of the person OR their NZ driver’s licence number.

If the vehicle is registered in the name of a company or organisation, you only need to enter the company/organisation name exactly as recorded with the NZTA. The company/organisation names can be found in our ThatCar™ report.