ThatCar™ Report Available online at

COLT 1.5P LS 5DR HATCH A • Hatchback in GREY

Valid as at 23 Oct 2024 10:45 am. Reference number: 1000-0000-0000

This is a sample report

The data in this report is not real and is used for demonstration only. A real report may contain different details, warnings and advisory messages.


  • Registered security interest (money owing) found

    This warning is triggered by the search result — please double-check the details in the Money Owing section of this report to make the conclusion. In case of a true match, the vehicle may be repossessed should the debt not be repaid.
  • Flood/water damage was recorded on 12 Jun 2018

  • The vehicle was recorded as a write-off on 12 Jun 2018

    The vehicle may or may not have been restored to acceptable standards afterwards.
  • Imported damaged

    Obvious structural damage or deterioration was discovered at the border inspection.
  • Last WOF inspection failed on 20 Oct 2024

    The vehicle didn’t meet the WOF requirements. To be legally allowed on the road, it must have a current WOF and be up to standard at all times, unless you are taking it to get it repaired or to pass the inspection (only if it’s safe to do so). If you are interested in purchasing this vehicle, it’s recommended to ask the seller to show you the WOF checksheet with the details of the failed inspection.
  • The vehicle has been re-registered

    It means that the vehicle’s registration has been cancelled in the past. Possible reasons:
    1. the owner didn’t keep the licence current for a long period of time
    2. the vehicle hadn’t been in use for a long period of time
    3. the vehicle has been restored after a serious accident
    4. the vehicle has been significantly modified
    It’s recommended to do an independent mechanical inspection.
  • The odometer is officially known to be unreliable

    The odometer was flagged as unreliable at the time the vehicle was last inspected.


  • Inconsistent odometer

    The recorded odometer readings jump backwards sometimes. Possible reasons:
    1. mistypes made by WOF/COF agents (generally harmless)
    2. around-the-clock
    3. tampering
    Please see the Odometer History section of this report for more information.
  • Current registered owner has owned the vehicle for a short period of time (since 18 Oct 2024)

  • Licence (“rego”) expired on 01 May 2018

    The vehicle must have a current licence to be legally allowed on the road. If the licence remains expired for a long period of time (usually 12 months), the vehicle’s registration will be cancelled completely. To avoid potential complications, it’s important to either renew the licence or put it on hold as soon as possible. If you buy a vehicle with an expired licence label, you need to pay licence fees from the date you acquire the vehicle.

Vehicle description

Year 2008
Model COLT
Submodel 1.5P LS 5DR HATCH A
Colour GREY
Plate number SAMPL3
Chassis number JMFXTZ23ABZ111309
Engine number 5B91 AD1755

Reported stolen?

Not listed as stolen as at 23 Oct 2024 10:45 am. Data source: NZTA

This information was obtained at the specified time from the register of the NZ Transport Agency, where it’s updated by the Police directly.

While reasonable care is taken by the Police in providing this information, take extra steps to be safer as a buyer: verify the seller’s identity and keep a record of their details. If the seller doesn’t assist, it’s better to walk away.


Body style Hatchback
Vehicle type Passenger Car/Van
Assembly type Imported Built-Up
Number of seats 5
Fuel type Petrol
CC rating 1499 cc
Power 78 kW
Wheel base 2500 mm
Gross vehicle mass 1490 kg
Max. rated towed mass for unbraked trailer 400 kg

Money owing?

Registered security interest found

This warning is triggered by the search result — please double-check all details below to make the conclusion.

Please note that security interest can be registered using the plate number, the VIN or the chassis number in any combination. Sometimes this may lead to false positive warnings caused by transfer of personalised plates between vehicles or by non-unique chassis numbers.

In case of a true match, the vehicle may be repossessed should the debt not be repaid. If you are interested in purchasing it, request the seller to arrange the release of security interest first. Afterwards, you can recheck this vehicle online. recheck this vehicle for $8.95

Financing statement No. FD6VZ0P9F9755907

Collateral description

Plate number ZPG957 PAST PLATE MATCH
Chassis number JMFXTZ23ABZ111309 MATCH

Statement details

F.S. status Registered
F.S. registered date 18 Oct 2024
F.S. expiry date 18 Oct 2029

Frederick B. BLOGGS

Secured party

Type Organisation
Phone 09 23456789
Fax +64 12345678
Contact address 110 Example Ave, Auckland Central, AUCKLAND, 1010, NZ
Person acting on behalf of the secured party
Phone 09 23456789
Fax +64 99999999

Vehicle fitness

Imported damaged Yes WARNING
Water/fire damage Flood/water damage recorded on 12 Jun 2018 WARNING
Structural damage No record
Ban flag None
Write-off Recorded as a write-off on 12 Jun 2018 WARNING
Subject to WOF Yes
Subject to COF No
Last WOF inspection 20 Oct 2024
Result Fail WARNING
Expiry date N/A

Importation details

Country of manufacture Japan
Imported to NZ as Used
Date of first registration overseas 15 Mar 2008
Previous country of registration Japan
Estimated date of importation to NZ
based on available records
Feb 2010 or before
First odometer reading in NZ 20,113 km

Registration and licence


Vehicle registration status Registered
Date of first NZ registration 29 May 2010
Date of last registration 21 Sep 2012
Cause of latest registration Re-registered WARNING

Usage types history

Usage category Effective date
Private passenger 29 May 2012
Rental 29 May 2010

Licence (rego)

Licence type Licence for normal use under the current usage category
Issue date 01 May 2017
Expiry date 01 May 2018 EXPIRED
Subject to continuous licensing Yes
Subject to RUC No

Plates history

Plate number Effective date
15 Dec 2015
ZPG957 29 May 2010

Ownership history

Number of registered owners (may include dealers) in New Zealand: 4

Date Odo. Information
18 Oct 2024 72,115 km
as of 29 May 2018

Type: Individual

Personal details are protected by the NZ privacy law regulations.

Verify the current registered person

Use the online service to verify the registered person’s details.

Owned for 5 days as of the report creation time. CAUTION

21 Sep 2012 32,131 km
as of 21 Sep 2012

Type: Individual

Personal details are protected by the NZ privacy law regulations.

Owned for 12 years 3 weeks.

12 Jun 2012

Registration has been cancelled WARNING

The vehicle remained unregistered for 3 months 1 week.

15 Nov 2012 30,675 km
as of 28 May 2012

Type: Individual

Personal details are protected by the NZ privacy law regulations.

Owned for 5 months 3 days.

29 May 2010 20,113 km
as of 29 May 2010

Type: Company


Physical address: 100 EXAMPLE STREET, TAKAPUNA, AUCKLAND, 0622

Mailing address: POBox 132546, NORTH SHORE, AUCKLAND, 0622

Owned for 2 years 5 months.

Being a registered owner (“registered person”) means entitlement to possession of the vehicle, but doesn’t legally prove legal ownership according to the terminology of the NZ Transport Agency. The legal owner may be different from the registered one (e.g. if the vehicle is leased). A vehicle sales agreement and purchase receipt are generally considered to be evidence of legal ownership.

Odometer history

Reliable odometer No WARNING
Consistent odometer No CAUTION
Latest odometer reading 72,315 km on 20 Oct 2024
Estimated current odometer
based on previous readings
72,315 km
Avg. yearly usage in NZ 3,554 km/year
Date Reading Source
20 Oct 2024 72,315 km WOF Inspection Avg. use: 0 km/day
29 May 2018 72,115 km WOF Inspection Avg. use: 7 km/day
29 May 2017 69,411 km WOF Inspection Avg. use: 30 km/day
29 May 2016 58,635 km WOF Inspection Avg. use: 26 km/day
29 May 2015 49,203 km WOF Inspection Avg. use: 5 km/day
25 May 2015 49,185 km
WOF Inspection

Failed inspection?

Odometer reading decreased

29 May 2014 65,345 km WOF Inspection Avg. use: 61 km/day
29 Nov 2013 54,325 km WOF Inspection Avg. use: 48 km/day
19 Jun 2013 46,515 km WOF Inspection Avg. use: 3 km/day
28 May 2013 46,451 km WOF Inspection

Failed inspection?

Avg. use: 17 km/day
21 Sep 2012 42,131 km WOF Inspection
21 Sep 2012 42,131 km Pre-registration Check Avg. use: 13 km/day
28 May 2012 40,675 km WOF Inspection Avg. use: 14 km/day
28 May 2011 35,727 km WOF Inspection Avg. use: 43 km/day
29 May 2010 20,113 km WOF Inspection Avg. use: 0 km/day
15 Feb 2010 20,113 km Pre-registration Check


All information in this report is provided by third parties. The information is believed to be correct as at 23 Oct 2024 10:45 am. While That Car Limited has taken all reasonable care in the preparation of the report, we are unable guarantee the accuracy of the data and cannot be liable for any errors or omissions in this report.